High Risk Occupations
Some workers in Ohio are more likely to be injured on the job than others. Working in an office or store is one of the lowest risk occupations. However, there are jobs like firefighting and police work that require people to face dangerous situations.
Why call Cox, Koltak and Gibson if you have been injured while working in a factory in Ross County, Ohio?
Have you been injured doing factory work? A factory work injury of any kind can be a life altering event even if it only seems to be a slight injury or mishap when it first occurs. A factory worker can get injured on the job doing almost any type of work.
What is a Hostile Work Environment in Ohio?
Have you been injured doing factory work? A factory work injury of any kind can be a life altering event even if it only seems to be a slight injury or mishap when it first occurs. A factory worker can get injured on the job doing almost any type of work.
Why call Cox, Koltak and Gibson if you have been injured while working in a factory in Marysville, Ohio?
Have you been injured doing factory work? A factory work injury of any kind can be a life altering event even if it only seems to be a slight injury or mishap when it first occurs. A factory worker can get injured on the job doing almost any type of work.
Why Call Cox, Koltak and Gibson If You’re Injured in Factory Work in Lancaster, Ohio?
There are plenty of factory jobs that pay a lot of money to keep workers quiet after an injury occurs on company premises. If someone is lifting heavy objects, they could hurt their body by pulling a muscle. If the work involves machinery (in any way), it’s a possibility that a faulty machine will malfunction,…
Why call Cox, Koltak and Gibson if you have been injured while working in a factory in Mount Vernon, Ohio?
Many Ohio residents work in factories located Mount Vernon. Such factories are dedicated to manufacturing, including the manufacturing of plastics, automotive parts, or industrial equipment. Unfortunately, factory workers are more prone to injury than workers who sit at a desk all day.
Why is it Important to Call a Workers, Compensation Lawyer if You Have Been Injured While Working in a Manufacturing Job or on a Construction Site in Delaware, Ohio?
Manufacturing facilities and construction sites in and around Delaware, Ohio, are dangerous places to work at. Employees in those types of jobs will likely be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits after suffering injuries.
Finding an Attorney After a Construction Site Injury
Being injured on the job is a major concern because workers have to think about the needs of their families. When an injury occurs at a construction site, many workers do not have savings in their bank accounts to cover the costs of paying medical bills, but the injured party must find a way to…
Why call Cox, Koltak and Gibson if you were injured while working in a big box store in Columbus, Ohio?
Many work injuries occur in big box stores in Columbus, Ohio each year. Our attorneys, Cox, Koltak and Gibson, handle these types of cases and additional kinds or personal injury cases daily. Unfortunately, individuals are hurt daily while working in big box stores in Ohio.
Why call Cox, Koltak and Gibson if you were injured while working on a commercial construction site in Columbus, Ohio?
The construction industry is well-recognized for experiencing a significant number of workplace injuries each year, and especially in Ohio were construction projects are numerous. Residential and commercial projects are under constant construction utilizing every craft when building is happening.
Why call Cox Koltak and Gibson if you were injured while working in a warehouse in Columbus, OH?
Getting hurt while on the job creates a number of problems in addition to the physical injury that is endured. The recovery time is not always definite, making bills and other expenses a burden to take care of when work has to be missed. Many workers are not sure what to do when they get…
Why is it important to call a BWC Lawyer if you have been injured while driving a route truck in Columbus, Ohio?
Any injury of any kind can have serious consequences. Even a simple slip and fall may result in many years of pain and agony. Injuries can happen anywhere at any time. People are in danger at home. They’re also in danger at work. The workplace can be particularly dangerous. Workers can be hurt when on…